Computer Science Pass No Credit Suggestion Page
Be sure to read the Undergraduate Grading Policy Exception for the 2020-2021 Academic Year and the FAQs at this link if you are considering electing the pass/no credit option for any of your current or future classes. Please note the Computer Science course(s) for which a grade of P (pass) will not satisfy a prerequisite for a higher level course needed for the Computer Science major/minor. Be sure to take this into consideration before choosing the pass/no credit option, and reach out to your assigned advisor if you need more assistance. Note: December 11, 2020 Grading Amendment (Includes New “H” Letter Grade for prerequisite courses)
Students will be allowed to have the grade of H recorded on transcripts for prerequisite courses in which they earned a C or better. The H grade will signify that they have satisfied progression (prerequisite) requirements. Students in a progression (prerequisite) course should be advised to complete the course for a letter grade. They will then have the option of petitioning for a H/P/N grade after grades are posted and until January 8.
This amends the current Academic Policy guiding Pass/No Credit for the 2020-2021 academic year and applies to undergraduate students only.
Contact your University Transfer Center academic advisor if you have any questions or concerns about electing Pass/No Credit for a course in Fall 2020, Spring 2021, or Summer 2021. Election of Pass/No Credit grading for a course during this academic year cannot be reversed after the election deadline (December 14 for Fall 2020; future semester deadlines TBA). Course sequencing and prerequisites that Require an A, B, C (or H) letter grade are below: ITCS 1212
** DTSC 1302 **
ITSC 1213 (This course requires “C or better” in ITSC 1212 or DTSC 1302) ITSC 2214 (This course requires “C or better” in ITSC 1213) ITSC 2175 ITSC 3181 (This course requires “C or better” in ITSC 2175 (or MATH 1165) ITIS 3135 (This course requires “C or better” in 2214) ITCS 3134 (This course requires “C or better” in 2214, MATH 1242 and MATH 2164) MATH 1241 MATH 1242 (This course requires “C or better” in MATH 1241 ) MATH 2164 (This course requires “C or better” in MATH 1241 or MATH 1120)