Membership Criteria

- You must transfer to a four-year institution of higher learning from another academic institution with at least one full year’s academic credits satisfied at the prior institution(s).
- You must be registered in a course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree and have completed a number of hours equal to an average full load for one term (usually 12 to 15 hours).
- Membership in the Organization shall be based upon superior academic achievement by students during the term in which they complete the number of hours equivalent to an average full load for one term in the institution to which they transfer (only credit hours that count toward a bachelor’s degree can be used to determine Tau Sigma eligibility).
- The minimum academic average required for membership is either a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent thereof) or an academic average that places the prospective candidate in the top 20% of all incoming transfer students during the term in question. These requirements are not subject to reduction by an individual chapter (qualifications using unconventional grading systems shall be approved by the National Council).
- Academic eligibility shall be obtained on the grades of the first hours that constitute the equivalent of one full curricular period, i.e., semester, trimester, quarter, or term (usually 12 to 15 semester hours).
*Eligible students will receive an email from the National Organization with an invitation to join Tau Sigma at the start of the Fall and Spring Semesters. Each eligible student is sent a one-time invitation.