Alternate Grading Policy 2020 – 2021

PASS / NO CREDIT (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021)

New Academic Grade Policy and Procedure, Click here

There are significant differences between the policy exception approved for this and future semesters relative to the exception approved for Spring 2020. Before electing Pass/No Credit for any course for Fall 2020, Spring 2021, or Summer 2021, you should read the policy.

NOTE: December 11, 2020 Grading Amendment

(Includes “H” Letter Grade for prerequisite courses)

  • Students will be allowed to have the grade of H recorded on transcripts for prerequisite courses in which they earned a C or better. The H grade will signify that they have satisfied progression (prerequisite) requirements. Students in a progression (prerequisite) course should be advised to complete the course for a letter grade. They will then have the option of petitioning for a H/P/N grade after grades are posted and until January 8.

  • This amends the current Academic Policy guiding Pass/No Credit for the 2020-2021 academic year and applies to undergraduate students only.

University Transfer Center Grading Policy Suggestions by College

If you are planning to pursue a major in the following Colleges and you are currently registered for or planning to register for courses associated with the following majors, please review the suggested guidelines on when and how to utilize the Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 Grading Policy.

Belk College of Business
Computing and Informatics
Health and Human Services
Lee College of Engineering

Scheduled Appointments

Academic Advisors will conduct advising appointments either by phone or Web Conferencing. UCOL students are encouraged to make appointments directly with their Advisor through Connect. Once your appointment has been scheduled, instructions for connecting with your Advisor will be provided to you by email.

Virtual Open Office Hours

Virtual Open Office appointments are available for Non-University College students, which are students who have a declared major.

Virtual Open Office appointment Schedule:

  • Tuesday – Thursday, 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00 – 4:00pm
  • To schedule a virtual Open Office Hours appointment, Click Here
  • Steps for scheduling an Open Office Appointment, Click Here


Please continue to monitor NinerAlerts, Niner Notices and other University Communications for the Latest News and Updates.

Registration Information

University Center for Academic Excellence (Tutoring)

University Career Center

University-wide Policies, Concerns and Questions

Student Emergency Relief Fund


How do I elect the Pass/No Credit option for one or more of my classes this term?

Detailed communication from UNC Charlotte about the Pass/No Credit Grading Policy Exception for Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 was sent to all students on November 20, 2020. That communication includes instructions about how to elect Pass/No Credit grading for a specific course. There are significant differences between the policy exception that was approved for Spring 2020 and the above semesters. Before electing Pass/No Credit for any course for Fall 2020, Spring 2021, or Summer 2021, students should read the policy and the FAQ page.

If I choose the Pass/No Credit option for a course, how will my GPA be calculated?

A Pass (P) or No Credit (N) grade will have no impact on your GPA. It will not contribute GPA Hours or Quality Points used in the calculation of overall GPA on your transcript.

The policy states that “A grade of Pass (P) is sufficient to meet the required prerequisite threshold for any future courses and will be allowed to meet progression in the student’s major, minor and general education requirements.” Does that apply to all courses?

More information to come.

How should I anticipate a grade of Pass (P) being interpreted by graduate school admission committees?

Please be assured that all graduate admission committees will be aware of the circumstances around COVID conditions beginning Spring 2020 and beyond. We are not able to say with certainty how those committees will view student records. Each individual student will need to come to a decision regarding the election of Pass/No Credit.

Are you a Prospective or Current Student?